Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Mikvah 1 launched in memory of two shluchot

To our dearest ladies here in town whom we truly cherish:

Coming out of Purim and the month of Adar there is lots of joy in the air, yet we write to you with a heavy heart.

This past month our dear colleague, Rashi Minkowitz, 37, a fellow shlucha like ourselves, who ran a Chabad house in Georgia was suddenly taken from this world with simply no warning. She left behind a husband, eight beautiful little children, and a grieving community that she really grew and connected with. Yet it didn’t end there; another fellow sister shlucha, Rivky Barber, 49, who led a Chabad house in Melbourne, Australia, just passed away two weeks ago leaving behind six young children.

This truly reminds us that life is so precious and to cherish the family and friends we have.

Our friends across the globe have launched the Mikvah 1 campaign.

Rashi just finished building a beautiful Mikvah in her community for the woman to use. She was so proud of the new beautifully looking spa and has had so many women from her community use it in the short time that it was opened.

For many, Mikvah is a taboo topic that they are not so familiar with. This is such a powerful mitzvah that Torah says brings blessings for the children, the home and marriage. It is even more important than having a shul or a Torah!

Mikvah enhances a marriage, creates peace in our relationships with our spouse and has a lot of physical and spiritual benefits from attending. The web site http://www.mikvah.org has a lot of great lectures, facts and videos on the topic.

We ask you, please, in honor of Rashi and Rivky, to open your heart and mind and give yourself, your family and your spouse the gift and chance to visit the Mikvah at least once. Various women here in town have already taken upon themselves this special mitzvah. We would love to be in touch personally to talk more about this topic by phone or email. To find a little comfort, it would mean so much to each of us as a personal favor (and of course the benefits and blessings go straight to you!)

We would be honored to share with you more on this mitzvah.

During this very difficult time, we, and all the family of Rashi and Rivky, will be so touched and comforted knowing women across the globe are taking upon themselves this powerful mitzvah at least just once.

With great thanks and love,

Your shluchas,

Chanshy Majesky (Chabad of North Orlando) 407-488-6536

Devorah Leah Dubov (Chabad of greater Orlando) 407-529-5966

Bracha Leibowitz (Chabad of Greater Orlando) 407-690-1111

Chani Konikov (Chabad of south Orlando) 321-948-6921

Rivkie Lipskier (Chabad of UCF) 407-949-8732


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