Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Festive 'Shabbat rocks' and Shabbat dinner at Congregation Sinai in Clermont

More than 150 members and the community members enjoyed an inspiring and fun time at Cong Sinai Friday night services when spiritual leaders, Joe and Lynn Goldovitz accompanied by two others played their musical instruments and sang Hebrew prayers to contemporary faamiliar tunes. Red and white sweetheart decorations adorned the table as congregants gathered for a traditional pre-service Shabbat meal consisting of chicken soup, salad, roasted chicken and kugel (noodle pudding) prepared by the ladies of the Cong. Sinai.

Congregation Sinai in Clermont is a full-service mainstream progressive Jewish congregation offering weekly religious services, social activities, adult and youth education as well as an active Men’s club and Sisterhood.

For further info about our synagogue and our special introductory offers for new members, contact us @Www.Congregation-Sinai.org.


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