Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Lesser known attacks of terror

When I offer to share information I have gathered over the past seven years with some people about what the Islamic fanatics are doing here in America. I frequently hear “I do not see Islamic trouble around here” and “it’s no big deal” and “I have a very nice Muslim friend” and “there are only a few fanatics.” 

To me, responses such as these simply say they are ill-informed because the majority of the media do a very poor job of reporting Islamic actions.  You have heard about major attacks, World Trade Center suicide bombings, the Boston Marathon bombings etc. This article will focus on a few of their many lesser known illegal and heinous acts.

In Seattle, on May 3, 2014, it was reported that Musab Mohamed Masmri, a Muslim, plead guilty to arson of a gay nightclub on New Years Day while 750 partygoers were inside. Shortly after midnight Musad poured gasoline on the carpet, ignited it, and immediately left. Previously an informant told the FBI that Musad was planning a “terrorist activity.” It was also reported that Musad stated homosexuals should be exterminated.

In Colorado Springs this year, Jasim Mohammed Hasin Ramadon a/k/a Jay Hendrix, one of five Iraqi Muslim immigrants, was convicted of exceptionally brutal rectal gang rape of a 53-year-old woman. Police Lt. Howard Black, Special Victim’s Unit, said “the severity of the attack made it rare in the city.”

Three Muslims in Cleveland—Mohammad Amawi, Marwan El-Hindi, and Wassim Azloum, were convicted of plotting to recruit and train terrorists to kill American soldiers in Iraq. Prosecutors said the men were learning to shoot guns and make explosives while raising money to fund their plans to wage a holy war against U.S. troops.

It took a jury less than 45 minutes to convict a Brooklyn man of sending an email threatening to shoot and kill then New York Governor David Paterson. Amir Syed Rzvi, a Pakistani immigrant, also warned he would poison New Yorkers across the state while demanding the release of a notorious terrorists.

Glen Francis, a convert to Islam in Arizona, was convicted of murdering Imam Rashard Khalifa. Attorneys for both sides agreed Khalifa was likely killed because of his religious teachings. Khalifa found a mathematical code and came to believe two verses were satanic, causing him to remove those verses from his English translation of the Quran.

Two Islamic Rochester, Minnesota women were convicted of raising money and recruiting fighters for a terrorist organization called al-Shabab. The local Islamic community protested, claiming discrimination. Prosecutors said the women went door-to-door to collect funds and held teleconferences to solicit donations.

The Americans for Palestine (AMP) showed their terrorist inclination by its April 2014 fundraiser speaker list. Ramieh Odeh was directly responsible for the death of two people in a grocery store bombing. Another speaker was a Muslim Brotherhood leader.

It is so easy to turn a blind eye to Islamic terrorist actions particularly when they are little publicized or when our government classifies them as work-place events, instead of the Islamic action, i.e. Fort Hood Massacre.

In December 2009, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stated “Home-based terrorism is here. Like violent extremism abroad, it will be part of the threat picture that we must now confront.” These American Muslim extremists include American-born citizens, naturalized U.S. citizens, U.S. permanent residents, as well a visiting Islamic terrorists.

The enemy, Islamic terrorists, are committed to destroying America. Are you getting involved to counteracting anti-American terrorists? There are many good anti-terrorist organizations you can be part of. This is a war we cannot afford to lose. Everyone is needed.

Ed Ziegler can be reached at Brooklyn13@Embarqmail.com or 352-750-3298.


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