Somali militants who murdered 48 people in a Kenyan village as they watched the World Cup went door to door asking residents if they were Muslim or spoke Somali — and shot them dead if either answer was ‘no,’ witnesses revealed.
“They came to our house at around 8 p.m. and asked us in Swahili whether we were Muslims,” Anne Gathigi told the Daily Mail. “My husband told them we were Christians and they shot him in the head and chest.”
In a joint statement, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, on behalf of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, and the Chief Rabbi of South Africa, Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein, have condemned the latest al-Shabaab attacks as Nazi-like.
Chief Rabbi Goldstein has called on “African religious leaders who share common values of the sanctity of human life and dignity to rally together in the face of such evil.”
An interfaith gathering will took on Wednesday, June 18, where Chief Rabbi Dr. Goldstein and Rabbi Cooper addressed the ongoing brutal persecution of people of faith on the African continent.
“It is time the clergy becomes the voice of condemnation of Nazi-like tactics increasingly being employed against innocent civilians across the continent,” said Rabbi Cooper.
Rabbi Cooper added “From Boko Haram in Nigeria to al-Shabaab in Kenya, the world is increasingly witnessing brutal tactics, which the World War II Nazis called seleczia as they selected innocent Jews to perish in gas chambers.
“Once again, we see the growing trend of innocent men, women and children being singled out by murderous terrorists because of their faith.”
The Simon Wiesenthal Centre is a leading human rights NGO named in memory of the famed Nazi hunter.
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