Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

My visit to the White House...

I know. I know. This is old news already but, as I've said many times before, I am writing my column far in advance... so the White House intruder story only happened within the last few days of this writing.

Back to my White House experience:

My spouse and I visited "the people's house" (as it is called) in Washington D.C., recently. There were four levels of security on the lawn alone, before ever getting close.

By the time we finally got inside, we thought that a TSA airport screening was "a piece of cake" in comparison... and because we were constantly told we were about to enter "the people's house," when I noticed some shmutz in the corner of the entrance hall I said I would send in my cleaning lady. (only a joke.)

So what happened to the Secret Service?

Why did that intruder find it easy to jump the fence, run the entire lawn, enter and overpower the lady Secret Service agent? (Why wasn't a linebacker sized guy at the door?) Why was the intruder able to wander through the halls before being apprehended by an off-duty agent? Where were the dogs? Where were the snipers? Oy vay!

(Will someone call ADT and have their security system installed!)

You want funny? You got it!...

One of the funniest ladies ever, ELAYNE BOOSLER, is performing here in Central Florida on Sunday, October 19th at the Plaza Live theater, 425 North Bumby Avenue, Orlando.

Elayne, a comedian; writer; animal activist... best known for her thoughtful and feisty political humor and her love of baseball and animals, will be making us laugh at the Plaza Live, beginning at 7 p.m.

Ticket prices are $25, $30, and $35, and can be purchased at the box office, 407-228-1220, online at or phone 877-987-6487.

What a coincidence...

In the September 26th edition of Heritage, my buddy JIM SHIPLEY wrote in his column "Shipley Speaks," about funny Jews. He titled it "When Jews Were Funny."

(The coincidence I refer to in my lead-in is the fact that Elayne Boosler is Jewish and is very funny. My dear departed friend, Joan Rivers was very funny and also Jewish. In fact, I could name many, many famous comics still working who are Jewish. Probably most famous comics are or were Jewish.)

Getting back to Jim's column:

He mentioned New York's Catskill Mountains where many Jewish comedians got their start.

(Irv and I had our honeymoon in the Catskills 54 years ago. Talk about funny!... oh, and incidentally, I was only 8 years old when we wed, in case you're trying to figure out my age.)

Quoting from Jim's column, "There was a time when Jewish humor ruled. Sometimes it might have been 'racy' but never obscene. The great Jewish comics did not have to resort to profanity or description of body parts to get laughs. They told truths about themselves and their people. And it was mostly their people who laughed."

(How true, Jim. And isn't it wonderful that we, a people who suffered through the ages, can find humor and share it?)

Just think of the comics... some deceased, some still making people laugh... Alan King, Sid Caesar, Buddy Hackett, Shecky Green, Myron Cohen, Don Rickles, Larry David, Jack Benny, Milton Berle, Billy Crystal, Mel Brooks, Jerry Lewis... and so many more, too numerous to mention.

Jim's column was so entertaining that I immediately ordered the DVD of the same name, "When Jews Were Funny" from .I will probably steal those jokes (just like I've stolen from Joan Rivers) and use them when I perform!

A fall festival...

I should have stressed the fact that it is a FREE fall festival!

I heard from NANCY LUDIN, executive director of the Jewish Pavilion, sponsors of the festival titled "A Walk In The Park" which will take place at Cranes Roost Park in Altamonte Springs, on Sunday, October 26th.

The event starts at 9:30 a.m. and is being held in honor of the wonderful Bunny Rosen.

There will be breakfast, a kid's zone, entertainment and prizes, according to Nancy. If you are interested in attending, being a sponsor or vendor, or just donating, contact Nancy at 407-678-9363 or online at nancyludin@jewishpavilion.org.

And speaking of the Jewish Pavilion...

I have a very dear friend for more than half a century (I met her when Irv and I first moved to Central Florida from Brooklyn, N.Y.). We don't see much of each other these days but she is always in my heart... probably the sweetest, kindest, warmest human being I have ever known.

Her name is JOYCE SIEGEL. Many of you know her, I'm sure, as she lived here in the Orlando area for many years before moving to Brevard County. She is back here now making her home at Savannah Court, one of the lucky facilities with ties to the Jewish Pavilion.

Joyce just phoned to tell me how touched she was by a visit she received while she is in rehab and not at her Savannah Court home . Two Jewish Pavilion volunteers, JULIE and EMILY, traveled to her rehab to present her with a Rosh Hashanah platter. It contained apples and honey, a little challah roll, raisins, a card, etc. "How thoughtful," she said.

(It sure was! And nobody deserves this thoughtful  treatment more than Joyce!)

A shout out...

I had dinner the second night of Rosh Hashanah with friends at the Altamonte Springs Toojay's Restaurant. My waitress was just the best ever!

Her name is MOLLY CARROLL.

Not only was she efficient and kind, but sweet and accommodating to all of us demanding seniors.

(Luckily I was with the girls only and not my spouse because Molly is just too pretty!)

I received this email...

It was from HALI HABER, UCF Knights For Israel. It read as follows:

"We are putting on a rare event in Orlando I would like for you to mention in your Heritage column if this subject is of interest to you. The film Honor Diaries has been controversial at Universities around the country and that is why we are bringing it hear to UCF. We will have two speakers, One from the National Organization of Women (NOW) and Dr. Angela West, wife of Col. Allen West. The particulars are below and I personally invite you both to attend, bring your family, friends, and readers."

"Honor Diaries" explores violence against women in honor based societies, with particular focus on Honor Killings, Honor Violence, Forced Marriages, and the growing trend of Honor crimes in Western Society.

Dr. Angela West, wife of Col. Allen West, and Larissa Scott of NOW, Manatee/Sarasota will be the speakers on Monday, October 20th from 6:30-9 p.m. at the UCF Hillel Ballroom, 3925 Lockwood Blvd, Oviedo. It is free & Open to the public: Contact: Hali Haber 954-895-7952, UCF Knights For Israel if you are interested.

One for the road...

Two little old ladies, Gertrude and Zelda, were sitting on a park bench near Lake Eola having a serious conversation.

"Gertrude," said Zelda, "I don't understand something. I simply have no appetite lately.  No matter how much I try to eat, I have no appetite."

Gertrude said, "Listen Zelda, my primary doctor, Doctor Myers, once told me that if I didn't have an appetite I should take a little piece of herring before meals and I would soon get an appetite.

So I tried it and it was true.  So take my advice, Zelda and try a little piece of herring before lunch and you'll see, you'll develop an appetite."

A few days later the two meet again in the park.

"Nu, Zelda, how do you feel now?  Did the herring give you an appetite?"

Zelda sighed, "I took your advice.  First I had a little piece of herring. Then I had a whole herring.  I really wanted to give it a chance, so I ate six herrings.  But Gertrude, your advice didn't work for me.  Would you believe, when lunch time came, I had absolutely no appetite!"


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