Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Jewish Pavilion's walk through the generations

"Each year, the Jewish Pavilion's A Walk in the Park, reminds us of the promise each generation has made to honor, respect and look out for our senior community," said Norma Ball, event co-chair. On Sunday, Oct. 26, hundreds of participants of all ages, ranging from babies to bubbies, made good on this promise by taking part in the Pavilion's annual A Walk in the Park, benefitting seniors in long-term care facilities in Greater Orlando. At just 10 weeks old, Jack Broffman was the event's youngest participant, while Village on the Green's nonagenarians, Gerry Stein and Ruth "Billy" Goldhar were the "most senior" attendees.

"The Jewish Pavilion relies on support from every generation. We were so happy to see community members of all ages walk arm-in-arm to enhance the lives of our seniors at today's walk. Everyone benefits when the generations come together," said Pam Ruben, marketing director of the Jewish Pavilion.

Additionally, more than 50 participants memorialized loved ones by purchasing "footprints" on the path. Walk Co-Chair Toby Vandemark explained, "The 'footprints on the path' gave all walkers a chance to honor family members with a sign bearing their name. As we walked along Crane's Roost, our path was marked by the footprints of those who walked before us."

"The Walk is the Pavilion's biggest annual fundraising event, and delivers a message to the community about the importance of remembering our cherished seniors in long-term care," stated Nancy Ludin, Jewish Pavilion executive director. "Thank you for your multi-generational support and donations, with your help we can continue to enhance the lives of the elderly, and help ensure that no senior grows old all alone."


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