Fifteen-year-old Jonathan Trattner, a 10th grade student at Lyman High School, dreams of spending the second half of his junior year studying in Israel as part of NFTY's Eisendrath International Experience program for 10th – 12th grade students, the same program his father attended 40 years ago. He also wants to help pay for the trip himself, and has launched his first business, to raise the necessary funds.
"I spent time this summer looking for ways to earn money. I did some odd jobs, but really wanted something steady, and tried to find a local business that would hire me," Trattner said. "I was only 14 at the time, and everyone I talked to said 'Come back when you are 16, kid.' No one wanted to hire someone my age."
That's when the young entrepreneur decided to start his own business. "I've always loved technology, especially Apple products, but until the week school started I didn't know what kind of business I wanted to have" he said. "And then-Lightbulb!-I was buying school supplies at a store that was about to close, and noticed that they were selling all their phone cases at a big discount. I somehow managed to convince my mother to let me use my bar mitzvah money to buy them-all 2,000 of them! Then I got my sister and her boyfriend to help me organize them. My mom's letting me use part of the garage and library as my warehouse-so I guess that makes this a family business."
Trattner's website,, is selling phone cases for the iPhone 4 & 4S, 5 & 5S, and Samsung Galaxy S4 and Note II, with well-known name brands like Incase, Survivor, Ativa, Agent 18, Ballistic and Tech by Tumi. Phone cases, which normally retail between $20 and $40, are being sold on-line one for $9.95; two for $14.95; three for $19.95; plus Trattner is offering a discount to everyone in the Jewish Community. To receive the discount, type JCM in the coupon code to get an extra 20 percent off.
Since buying the phone cases, Trattner has learned a lot about business. "I've had to figure out how to do inventory, ship things, and set up my website. Now I'm concentrating on marketing. Because I was able to buy the phone cases at such a great price, I can sell them at a great price, and still make money to put towards my High School in Israel program."
When he's not selling phone cases, Jonathan focuses on his schoolwork, and enjoys music, exercise and being part of Lyman's Thespians. A graduate of the Hebrew Day School (now the Jewish Academy) he attends CRJ, where he's on the board of GORFTY (Greater Orlando Region Federation of Temple Youth), and is looking forward to spending his seventh summer at Camp Ramah Darom.
"This business has become-essentially a part of me-and I really appreciate the support I've gotten from my friends, family and community," Trattner said. "The phone cases make great holiday gifts. Please visit my website, and please help me spread the word. With your help I know my new business will be a success! Thank you for shopping, thank you for sharing, and have yourself a 'Blow-out' Holiday!"
For more information about Jonathan Trattner, or to buy phone cases in quantity, please reach out to him on Facebook, or email him at
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