Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Red and green everywhere

Nursing homes can be sad places to visit year-round but visiting at holiday time can be even more upsetting. Imagine that your home has turned red and green, with Christmas lights and Christmas music galore. The yuletide spirit decks the halls, as well as the dining room with baked ham and eggnog featured throughout the month of December. Every year, from Thanksgiving through the New Year, our Jewish elders in assisted living and skilled nursing facilities experience the "glad tidings" of the Christmas season. While it is a festive time of year for almost every faith, the singularity of the celebration can leave Jewish seniors out in the cold.

That is why Orlando seniors are so lucky to have the Jewish Pavilion. Most Jewish seniors in other U.S. cities report that they are uncomfortable in their facilities at holiday time. Thanks to the Jewish Pavilion, there is not a building in town that lacks Chanukah décor.

Moreover, every elderly Jew has the opportunity to attend a Chanukah party complete with the lighting of the menorah, blessings, Chanukah history, songs, traditional holiday foods, musical entertainment and gifts. Their non-Jewish friends are encouraged to participate in the parties and acknowledge Chanukah.

Visit http://www.jewishpavilion.org or call 407-678-9363 to contribute to the Jewish holiday experience.


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