Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

New Kibbutz Ohev Enrichment program at COS

The Kibbutz Ohev Enrichment program is open to any Jewish kindergarten to seventh grader regardless of synagogue membership and takes place on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Kibbutzniks focus on taking care of the earth, their bodies, others and Israel. Activities include gardening, healthy cooking, Mitzvah trips, crafts and more. 

The Kibbutzniks often are spoken to in Hebrew with their circle time called "Ma Chadash?" (what's new?)  Snack is included. Transportation from school is available for an additional cost. 

Registration for the next semester, which begins Jan. 7, is taking place. For more information contact the COS office 407-298-4650. 

Kibbutz Ohev is underwritten by a grant from the Hornik Family Foundation in memory of Joseph and Frieda Ross.


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