Congregation Beth Sholom invites the public to a Shabbat and Tu B’Shevat observance, let by Rabbi Karen Allen, at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb.13th.
Tu B’Shevat marks the New Year of the Trees.
The Friday evening observance will begin with a short Tu B’Shevat seder at 6:30, followed by the Shabbat evening service at 7. After the service, refreshments will be served at an Oneg Shabbat in the social hall.
The holiday of Tu B’Shevat is a festival of the trees and a celebration of nature. At this season in Israel, the earth begins to warm and the first buds appear on the trees. The Tu B’Shevat seder tells stories of the Jewish relationship with creation. All kinds of fruits are enjoyed as reminders of the miracles of nature and humankind’s dependency on trees in particular.
The Beth Sholom synagogue is located at 315 North 13th Street in Leesburg, with the entrance on Center Street. For more information, see the website at or call (352) 326-3692.
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