Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Rosen JCC pre-schoolers bring Purim joy to seniors

Rosen JCC pre-schoolers bring Purim joy to seniors

The children in the Early Childhood Learning Center of the Rosen JCC decorated and filled Shalach Manot baskets to donate to the Jewish Pavilion for distribution to seniors in nursing homes, assisted living and rehabilitation facilities. Gloria Green, program director of the Jewish Pavilion for the Orlando Downtown to the Southwest sector of Orange County, was presented the baskets by two children from each class at a morning ceremony at the JCC where all the children assembled in costume. The baskets were then distributed to seniors attending Purim parties sponsored by The Jewish Pavilion at nine of these facilities. 

The wide assortment of items in each basket from Hershey kisses to lotions and tissue packs, meant that there was something to please everyone. The seniors delight in receiving these items.  And, some activities directors have added to their supplies jumbo playing cards, puzzles, note pads, etc.

The Jewish Pavilion thanks Brenda Sher, Early Childhood director of the Rosen JCC, along with her team, parents, teachers, and of course the kids who put so much loving care in preparing these baskets.

To become a volunteer for The Jewish Pavilion call 407-678-9363 or visit www.jewishpavilion.org.


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