Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Bat Mitzvah - Aubrey Leah Stern

Aubrey Leah Stern, daughter of Ronald and Nancy Stern of Longwood, will be called to the Torah as a bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 2, 2015, at Temple Israel in Winter Springs.

Aubrey is in the seventh grade at Rock Lake Middle School. Her hobbies and interests include skateboarding; art, particularly painting; dog training; animal rescue; raising and breeding leopard geckos; and volunteering at a local pet store.

She is also a member of Temple Israel Kadima.

Sharing in the family's simcha will be Aubrey's sister, Devon; her birth-mother, Roze Mason of Cocoa; brothers, Danny Rippstein and Robert Harmon of Jacksonville; grandparents, David Herbach of Albany, N.Y., Nora Stern of Forest Hills, N.Y., and Alan and Dena Stern of Boca Raton; and "lots of aunts, uncles and cousins."


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