The Jewish Academy of Orlando has begun a Robotics Club, which meets after school once per week. At the Robotics Club students explore robotics and programming using the latest Lego EV3 robots. The students have been busy building and programming robots to do exciting challenges and simple tasks, such as throwing and retrieving items. The students work in collaborative teams and utilize the school’s new EV3 robotics kits. This club is the first step to competitive robotics, with the goal being to create the first ever Jewish Academy competitive robotics team next year. The club is also the first step toward the Jewish Academy’s new “Innovation Lab,” which will begin in the next academic year and will be utilized across our grade levels as both an intra-curricular and extra-curricular activity.
To learn more about the Robotics Clubs or to arrange a visit to the Jewish Academy of Orlando, please contact Jessica Mishael, admissions manager, at or 407-647-0713.
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