Learn seven off-the-wall business tips at next Jewish Business Network meeting
Launched just two months ago by the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando, the Jewish Business Network already is making an impact in the Jewish business community, bringing together Jewish business men and women to help them form important social and business relationships.
Now JBN has added another incentive to participate: a monthly guest speaker.
Those who attended April's JBN breakfast at Brown's New York Deli in Maitland were treated to a short but insightful presentation by sales training professional Curt Resnick, who shared tips on business communication and winning sales techniques. The scheduled guest speaker for JBN's next event is Web marketing specialist Jane Edelstein, president of Orlando-based Edelstein Associates, who will present "Seven Off-the-Wall Tips for Better Business Meetings."
The Jewish Business Network is open to all business and professional persons in the Jewish community of the Greater Orlando area.
JBN's next networking event is Tuesday, May 19, from 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. at Brown's New York Deli, 156 Lake Ave., Maitland. The $10 registration cost includes hors d'ouevres and dessert. RSVP at http://bit.lt/JBN2015 or email mwest@jfgo.org.
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