The Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Orlando (JGSGO) will host a presentation on how to improve the security of your computer, how to reduce the risk of malware infecting your computer, and similar hazards in the digital age on Tuesday, June 2, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at The Roth Family JCC, in the Senior Lounge.
Learn from a computer professional. Mark Schulman is an author, speaker, software designer, and technology enthusiast. He enjoys learning about the ways technology can make life better and sharing those ideas with others. He has delivered presentations to computer and genealogical societies in Central Florida, and to other groups.
Schulman speaks on a wide variety of technological issues. He is a published author of seven computer books, works as a software developer for a large international technology company and lives in Oviedo, Florida.
Schulman has an easy-to-understand presentation, given in a friendly, helpful, and engaging style.
The meeting is open to the public. Cost is $5 for nonmembers, free for members. Come early to talk genealogy with members and guests prior to the meeting.
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Orlando (JGSGO), founded inn 1990, is a not for profit organization dedicated to sharing genealogical information, techniques and research tools with anyone interested in Jewish genealogy and family history. Anyone may join JGSGO. Annual dues are $35 for an individual and $40 for a family. For more information visit our blog at , "like" us at or call us at 407-494-4230.
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