Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

New social group for young women

Friendship and fun are the main objectives of the Young Women's Social Group recently formed by the Jewish Pavilion. Not long ago, Nancy Ludin, Jewish Pavilion executive director, and Carol Feuerman, past-president and current board member, sat down to discuss the social challenges faced by young Jewish professionals transitioning to adulthood in Orlando. Both Ludin and Feuerman have adult children in their 20s and/or 30s and have seen that the rapid changes in lifestyle and circumstance during young adulthood, including relocation for work or school, marriage, and even young parenting, can be isolating and make relationships difficult to form. The two women reflected on the success of Pavilion's Women's Auxiliary, known as the Friends Board, which has bonded women aged 40+ for the past decade as a social group that connects to one another through volunteerism with elders in long-term care.

Ludin decided that a Pavilion-sponsored Young Women's Social Group, based on friendship, fun, and philanthropy was just what the community needed, and would benefit Orlando residents of all ages. The first meeting of the Young Women's Social Group was a resounding success, and a dozen young women in attendance demonstrated the need for a "Junior Friends Board." The wine and cheese social at Lake Faith Villas' clubhouse was attended by women in several stages of life: singles, young marrieds and young marrieds with babies.

"The Jewish Pavilion hopes to foster a community connection with young women, with fun events just for them, mixed in with opportunities to enrich their lives-and lives of our seniors-with multigenerational gatherings. This group is open to the entire community and new names are welcomed. Please contact the Pavilion office at 407-678-9363 if you are interested, or if you know a 20 or 30 something young woman who is looking for fun and lasting friendships," said Luden.

The Young Women's Social Group will meet bi-monthly, and each event planned by a member of the group, with the next event being held at Faris and Foster Chocolate Factory in Baldwin Park, on Sunday June 25, at 7 p.m. Look for the Facebook page, which is in the works.

Upcoming Jewish Pavilion's Young Women's Social Club events include Painting on Canvas on Aug. 13; dinner at Rock and Brew with pets in October; and Chanukah party for seniors in December that includes story telling for the young children.

For more information about the Young Women's Social Club, please contact Ludin at 407-678-93263 or nancyludin@jewishpavilion.org.


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