People of the Book returns for the third year of One Book, One Community, One Summer, a chance to read and discuss a book of general interest to the Jewish community. This year’s book is “The Jew and the Lotus” by Roger Kamenetz, the fascinating story of a diverse group of Jewish leaders invited to meet with the Dalai Lama to discuss how a people can survive and thrive in Diaspora.
As in past summers, “People of the Book” will be co-facilitated by Janet Friedman and Rabbi David Kay. In previous years, “People of the Book” explored the history and significance of the Cairo Genizah in “Sacred Trash” and the classic novelization of sages of the Talmud in “As a Driven Leaf.”
“This summer’s book is both historical like ‘Sacred Trash’ and a compelling story like ‘As a Driven Leaf,’” Rabbi Kay observed. “It just so happens that the story is completely nonfiction.”
Tenzin Gyatsu, the 14th Dalai Lama, fled Tibet in 1959, and lives in exile in Dharamshala, India. A generation later, he sought the assistance of an eclectic collection of Jews to teach him “the dharma of exile.” “The Jew in the Lotus” chronicles the gathering and journey of that group, and their experiences in India.
People of the Book is open to the public at no charge, and will meet every other week, from May 30 through Aug. 22, immediately after Shabbat morning services at Congregation Ohev Shalom, 613 Concourse Parkway South, Maitland FL. For more information and a link to purchase “The Jew in the Lotus,” go to or call 407-298-4650.
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