This is what it boils down to: Either relinquish some of our freedom of speech or offend fanatic Muslims who are willing to kill anyone who does not obey the Islamic faith.
I am disgusted with the main street media and politically correct politicians for finding fault mainly with the intended victims, and not drawing more attention to the two blood thirsty Muslims who attempted to murder those they disagreed with.
Islamic Imams, without a trial, issue verdicts of death to those whom they feel offended their faith or their prophet Muhammad. These death verdicts are directed even at non-Muslims living in non-Muslim controlled countries. Such as Solomon Rashde and Geert Wilders for quoting the Quran. This also includes the Charlie Hebdo and Texas Muhammad cartoonists
Islamic Imam, Angen Choudary, appeared on American TV. He stated that a cartoon contest event promoter, Pamela Geller, “is asking for an attack by faithful Muslims who believe in Sharia and its demand that those who insult the prophet Muhammad be killed.” He also stated “Everyone who houses her events are legitimate targets. “
The FBI confirmed the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal is the “Take over America.”
I for one refuse to give up my right to free speech. Are you willing to submit to Shariah and be forced to obey another’s faith or suffer their brutality?
Ed Ziegler can be reached at or 352-750-3298.
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