Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Torah & Tea moves during camp and a new group is forming

For the last few weeks, a group of women in the Southwest community have been getting together every Tuesday morning for a weekly Torah study group over steaming mugs of tea and refreshments. For the duration of camp (June 22-July 17) the weekly Torah & Tea class will take place on the grounds of Camp Gan Israel at the Pool Pavillion, every Tuesday morning after drop-off (9:30 a.m.). “I invite you to join us as we share and discuss the Torah portion through the eyes of women, gleaning timeless lessons and exploring our heritage in a casual and practical setting,” said Chani Konikov.

In addition, a few camp moms have been working to develop a Parenting Discussion Group for CGI moms, based on the series “Parenting with Love and Logic.” Please stay tuned for more information about this grassroots effort to create a safe and welcoming space for moms to meet and discuss the joys and challenges of parenting, while gaining insight and tips from one another. The group will meet on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 (right after drop-off) at the Pool Pavillion on the grounds of Camp Gan Israel.

Both groups are free of charge and do not require a continuous commitment. 

Konikov concluded, “Let’s build on the momentum that Camp Gan Israel holds for our families and extend the fun for moms and community as well! I hope you can join us on Tuesday or Wednesday mornings, or both, and I look forward to greeting you personally.”

If you have any questions or to RSVP, please contact Chani Konikov at 321-948-6921.


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