Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

A statement from the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando

On behalf of the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando, we denounce the divisive comments made last week by Israeli Minister of Religious Services David Azoulay. We are deeply offended by his hateful words and we applaud Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his swift repudiation of these remarks.

At the time when Israel and the Jewish people are facing existential threats from Iran and ISIS, we need to bring the Jewish people together rather than driving wedges among Jews of different denominations and between American Jews and the people of Israel.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando recognizes and celebrates the diversity of our Jewish community. We do not judge people based on their religious affiliation or lack thereof. It is our mission and goal to unite the Jewish community in support of Israel and the future of the Jewish People.

Rhonda Forest, chairwoman of the Board

and Olga Yorish, executive director


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