ISRAEL21c-Plenty of apps are available for helping people remember to take their meds. But when Rotem and Omri Shor's diabetic father accidentally took a double dose of insulin, the Israeli brothers created Medisafe, a cloud-synced mobile medication-management platform that could do much more.
"Going way beyond apps that are really just glorified alarm clocks, we provide additional tools to keep patients on their medications. We do this by bringing in content and data from third parties to address other factors in non-compliance, such as affordability," said Jon Michaeli, executive vice president of marketing and business development at Medisafe.
Medisafe users, who currently number 1.8 million, receive adherence reports on their progress and scheduled reminders to refill their medications registered in the platform. In addition, the Android and iOS platform allows them to add "MedFriends" who can keep an eye on the medication schedule and get an alert if a dose is missed.
By connecting wearable devices, such as the Apple watch, and manually entering vitals to the Medisafe platform, users can gauge the effects of their medications on biometric indicators such as blood pressure and blood-glucose level. "It's really important to see the benefits in order to remain persistent," Michaeli tells ISRAEL21c from Medisafe's new Boston headquarters.
Founded in 2012, Medisafe is an alumnus of the Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure. While product development remains in the hands of a staff of 15 engineers, product managers and a supporting team in Haifa, the company's headquarters relocated last November to Boston-a major US healthcare hub-to focus on the American market.
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