Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Florida Jewish history presentation at Beth Sholom in Leesburg

Jewish history of central and north Florida is the topic of an Aug. 2 seminar at 3 p.m. at Congregation Beth Sholom, 315 North 13th Street (entrance on Center Street), in Leesburg. The public is invited to join the congregation for the presentation and for refreshments following.

Presenters Dr. Rebecca Jefferson, curator of the Price Library of Judaica, and Dr. Jim Cusick, curator of the P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History will speak on Jewish history of central and north Florida. In introducing the collections featured at the two museums, both located at the University of Florida, the speakers will discuss their efforts to gather more materials, and ways in which participants can help.

Linda Bork Kost, president of the congregation, reminds area Jews of “the importance of gathering more materials in order to complete this story, and why our community archives and personal papers matter.” Participants will have the opportunity to ask how their own historical memorabilia may be valuable in this work, and also to socialize with the speakers during dessert and coffee.

The Price Library of Judaica is considered the foremost Jewish studies research collection in the southeastern United States. The P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History is nationally recognized for its holdings on colonial Florida, and is a major repository for state maps, newspapers, tourist brochures, and letter and diary collections.


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