Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

State Attorney's Office helps with JFS' summer food drive

During the summer months, when schools are closed and free or reduced lunches aren't available to students, JFS Orlando provides about 40 percent more families with food from the Pearlman Emergency Food Pantry.

The State Attorney's Office helped with the food drive by each floor taking on the challenge to gather as many non-perishable food items as possible in a one-week period. The court employees donated more than 400 items to the pantry and were happy to participate in such a worthy cause and contribute to local students.

Shown here are State Attorney Jeffrey L. Ashton of the Ninth Judicial Circuit, and Amanda Benedit, JFS development coordinator, with the truck-load of much-needed food.

Donations can be dropped off at the JFS Orlando offices any time of the year. For more information, contact Benedit at Amanda.benedit@jfsorlando.org or by calling 407-644-7593, ext. 227.


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