Dear Editor:
This letter is in response to Andres Silow-Carroll’s op ed, “Should Federations wade into the Iran nuke debate?” (in this issue of Heritage).
In the days when the federations REALLY understood there responsibilities, and when there were strong national umbrella organizations like UJA and CJF, this question would never have even been asked. The Feds would have, alongside AIPAC, pulled out all the stops to block this deal.
How can any Jew, or Jewish organization support this deal ESPECIALLY since both the Israeli prime minister AND the opposition oppose it. Does not make any sense.
American Jews, from their fairly secure seats in the Diaspora, who do not pay Israeli taxes, who do not serve in the IDF (or worse, send their kids to serve in the IDF) have a MORAL obligation to support the decisions of the democratically elected Government of Israel. Diaspora Jews (no matter how much they may give to Israeli institutions or organizations), have not earned the right to try to influence decision making by the Israeli government - only Israeli citizens have earned that right.
Going back to this specific case, we haven’t often seen the sitting coalition and the opposition in agreement - so any American Jew or American Jewish Organization (i.e., J Street, NJDC, etc) that supports this deal is doing nothing but strengthening Israel’s enemies.
Y’shar Koach to the federations who have come out in opposition. Shame on those who haven’t. In the days of the national UJA and CJF, the federation world would be mobilizing and working hand-in-hand with AIPAC in defeating this agreement.
Paul Jeser
Los Angeles
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