Laughter. A small concept that has life-altering implications. If we can laugh and feel joy at all times, during sickness and health, the good times and the bad, when things are going well and when things seem more difficult-it will be very helpful in lifting our spirits and keeping our outlook positive.
This was the theme world-renowned Rabbi YY Rubinstein spoke about at the recent JOIN Orlando's Wine and Wisdom event, held on Sept. 17 at The Roth Family JCC.
JOIN Orlando's (Jewish Outreach INitiative) mission is to provide all Jews in Orlando with a relevant and meaningful Judaism, a growing connection to their privileged heritage and to the land of Israel. Rabbi YY Rubinstein expertly wove anecdotes, insights, Torah concepts and his legendary Scottish humor into a masterpiece. He had the crowd in tears when talking about personal difficulties he faced, roaring with laughter while discussing British synagogues and caused them to think when he drove the point home-Judaism provides us with a positive framework through which to process all of our emotions and feelings. The more connected we are to our religion, the happier we will be.
With help from Winn-Dixie and Brent "The Cheese Guy," the JOIN women put together a mouth-watering array of delicacies that were enjoyed before the lecture. Eight different cheeses, 12 types of wine, various desserts, nuts, fruits, crackers, chocolates-enough for everyone to try many different combinations and ideas. Many people were exposed to certain cheeses for the first time, with the Danish Blue being the hit of the evening.
Wine and Wisdom was one of the many events that JOIN is constantly coordinating and arranging in fulfillment of their mission to strengthen the Orlando Jewish Community through socio-religious events, cutting-edge programs, Torah-classes and a warm and caring relationships with every individual. Current and upcoming programs include a Mom's trip to Israel with JFGO and JWRP (Oct. 19), The Shabbat Project (Oct. 23), Community Havdalah Concert (Oct. 24), The Kindness Project in conjunction with the Rosen JCC (Wednesday nights at 7 p.m.), Chavrutah Learning (One-on-one tailored Torah Study), Young Professional Shabbat Dinners and much more!
Call the JOIN office at 407-734-0190, email them at and like their Facebook Page to get involved today!
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