Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Why Israelis fear a third intifada

TEL AVIV (JTA)-First it was clashes on the Temple Mount. Then a mother and father were shot before the eyes of their four children. Then two men were killed in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem's Old City.

Now Israelis fear the wave of conflict will only rise. Here's why the violence began, how it's escalated and what might be next.

Four Israelis have died in two terror attacks over three days.

The slow-burning Israeli-Palestinian conflict has flamed up in the past week with a series of terrorist attacks. On Thursday night, militants from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades-the armed wing of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party-shot and killed a young Jewish-Israeli husband and wife, Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin.

At the time, the Henkins, both in their early 30s, were driving through the northern West Bank to their home in the settlement of Neria. The couple's four children, ages 4 months to 9 years, were in the car and witnessed the attack. They were lightly wounded and evacuated to a hospital.

Two days later, after Shabbat ended, a terrorist killed two men in the Old City of Jerusalem. Aharon Bennett, a 22-year-old Israeli soldier, was on the way to the Western Wall when he, his wife and their two sons were attacked. He was off duty and out of uniform. His wife, Adele, 21, was seriously wounded and underwent emergency surgery.

The second victim, Nehemia Lavi, 41, was stabbed and killed when he tried to fend off the terrorist with a gun. Police shot and killed the terrorist, a 19-year-old law student.

And on Sunday, a Jewish teenager was wounded in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem's Old City. He was rushed to the hospital, and his attacker was killed by police.

Tensions have been high over conflict at the Temple Mount.

The two attacks followed weeks of tension over access to Jerusalem's Temple Mount, the holy site known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif. Israel barred a violent Islamic protest group from the mount in early September, setting off demonstrations, stone throwing and arrests, and leaving one dead and dozens injured. Hours before Rosh Hashanah, Israeli police uncovered a stockpile of pipe bombs, firebombs and rocks that they feared would be aimed at Jewish worshippers.

In the unrest's wake, Israel heightened police presence in Jerusalem's Old City. The government also passed a law that allows police to fire more quickly on Palestinian stone throwers, as well as increasing prison sentences and fines on the stone throwers.

Violence at the Temple Mount has since died down, but rhetoric around it remains tense. Arab Knesset member Jamal Zahalka was shown in a video shouting epithets at Jewish visitors to the mount on Tuesday. And in dueling speeches to the United Nations last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas each accused the other side of upsetting the delicate balance at the site.

In response, Israeli leaders are talking tough and clamping down.

Israeli rhetoric has intensified following the attacks. Following the killing of the Henkins, Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz wrote Friday on Facebook: "The government will take every necessary step to strengthen security and settlement, and the Palestinians will pay a heavy price. Whoever wants to cross a line will realize he is on the losing side."

On Sunday, Katz, who filled in for Netanyahu during the prime minister's trip to the U.N., wrote on Facebook that he supports "heightened steps" against Palestinian terror following the attacks, including destroying the terrorists' homes and placing a curfew on their neighborhoods.

The attacks even prompted harsh words from the normally conciliatory Israeli president, Reuven Rivlin. At a eulogy at Lavi's funeral on Sunday, Rivlin said Israeli would find and punish terrorists.

"Our enemies know how to hurt us, but will not defeat us," he said. "The fight against terrorism requires determination and inner fortitude. We will reach the killers of the innocent and pure, and we will reach their inciters and their dispatchers, and will deliver them a stinging blow."

Israel took action, too. After the Saturday-night attack, the police barred most Palestinians from Jerusalem's Old City for Sunday and Monday. Access was restricted to Israeli citizens, tourists, students, Old City residents and those doing business in the Old City. In addition, all Muslim men under age 50 were barred from the Temple Mount for Sunday and Monday.

But this has happened before-only to fade.

The past week's events have dominated the news and gotten Israelis fearing the outbreak of broader Palestinian violence. On Saturday night, Israeli Knesset opposition leader Isaac Herzog wrote on Facebook that "we're at the opening of a third intifada." The first two violent Palestinian uprisings, in the late 1980s and early 2000s, left thousands of Israelis and Palestinians dead. A third wave would destroy the relative calm that Israelis have become accustomed to since the second intifada ended a decade ago.

But though violence has risen recently, it won't necessarily worsen. Previous bouts have made Israelis concerned about an intifada, only to wane after a few weeks. Last year saw a string of terrorist attacks in Jerusalem that did not spark wider unrest. And a wave of riots across the West Bank, prompted by the death of a Palestinian detainee in Israeli custody, led to the same fears in 2013, but the protests fizzled.

Israelis and Palestinians can only hope that this time will be similar.


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