Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Wednesdays are adult education days at Temple Israel

Every Wednesday, Rabbi Joshua Neely of Temple Israel teaches two adult education classes which are open to the entire community at no charge.

At noon on Wednesday, Rabbi Neely teaches in person and online his long-running class on the Torah portion of the week. This past Simchat Torah marked his sixth year teaching this popular class. His unique approach is to drill down on one aspect of the Torah portion instead of simply giving an overview. All are encouraged to read the full Torah portion ahead of time, but no previous study experience is necessary. Just come with an open mind and lots of questions.

Archives of his lectures can be found online at http:www.youtube,com/channel/UCyQo4rUk1gda3YR0ifAfX0Q. People from around the world have already watched 2,000 hours of learning from over 175 videos,

On Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m., Rabbi Neely leads a seminar in the style of the classic Beit Midrash on Jewish Law as captured in the Mishnah. The Mishnah is the first major written redaction of the Jewish oral traditions known as the "Oral Torah." It is also the first major work of rabbinic literature. Rabbi Neely is currently reviewing tractate Pesachim-the ins and outs of how Passover works. You can find the text on sefaria.org.

Please join Rabbi Neely at Temple Israel, 50 S. Moss Road, Winter Springs on Wednesdays (unless otherwise noted) in the library. If you need further information, please call the office at 407-647-3055.


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