Jewish Pavilion Director Nancy Ludin, recently had the good fortune to be seated next to Ilene Miller on a return flight to Orlando. Miller, also of Orlando, revealed that she is a magician! "I'm a novice unrelated to Houdini nor will you see what I do on TV. However, I like to have FUN. And if I can put a smile on your face then my job is done!" she said.
Known in the Orlando area as Maybelene the Fun Magician, Miller volunteers for nursing homes and children's hospitals. The result from meeting Ludin: at the request of Pavilion Program Director Gloria Green, Maybelene just debuted her Cousin Minnie Pearl at Terra Vista Rehabilitation and Health in Downtown Orlando. The event was a celebration of Chanukah, which was open to all faiths. Feasting on the traditional potato pancakes with applesauce and sour cream, several dozen residents were treated to Minnie Pearl's amazing magical feats.
"Minnie has always been one of my favorite characters with her many talents, so why not add 'magician' to her resume? With special thanks to Nancy and Staff at The Jewish Pavilion, Minnie just might be around for awhile!"
The Jewish Pavilion is a "mobile" community center that brings holidays and programming right to the resident's door at over 50 Central Florida long-term care/assisted living/rehabilitation facilities, with the help of 350 volunteers and a small staff.
For more information, to contribute, or volunteer for The Jewish Pavilion: or 407-678-9363.
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