Mr. Gill (an alias to protect his family still in Pakistan) was marked for death. His crime? Being an outspoken Christian in his native Pakistan. Miraculously, he escaped to America, learned English and now is not only surviving but thriving while waiting for political asylum so that he can bring his wife and children to Orlando.
In a rare public appearance, Mr. Gill will share his personal story at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church on Saturday, Jan. 23 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. He will also share why a fatwa (a death sentence) was issued against him, his observations on the refugee crisis, and why our politicians and clergy must speak out publicly against Christian and Jewish persecution.
In addition to the talk, there will be a Pakistani dinner prepared by Mr. Gill. The cost for the evening is a $20 donation to support the third annual 2016 Prayer March For Persecuted Christians and Jews, which will be on April 17, 3:30 p.m. at Lake Eola.
All students attending this event will be admitted free of charge.
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church is located at 1515 S. Semoran Blvd., Orlando. The dinner event will be held in the Family Life Center.
The talk is sponsored by Burning Bush Ministries. For more information or to RSVP, call or email Rev. Bruce and Barbara Lieske at blieske7@bellsouthnet or 407-461-2944.
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