The Jewish Pavilion (JP) recognizes someone with a flair for giving back to the community every year at its annual fashion show. This year the JP is honoring Friends Board member Marci Gaeser at its "Spring into Fashion" show at Bloomingdales in Orlando on Thursday, Feb. 4.
Gaeser hit the ground running when she joined the JP Friend's Board in the fall of 2014. Within months of joining, she had agreed to co-chair two of the Pavilion's most impactful fundraisers, its annual gala and fashion show. This year Gaeser has generously agreed to co-chair both events again.
"Marci is a tremendous asset to the Jewish Pavilion," stated Nancy Ludin, JP executive director. "She jumped right into the Friends Board and her superior organizational skills coupled with her excellent people skills make her an ideal leader. We are so thankful for the time and energy she has put into chairing four events in just two years."
Right now, Gaeser has her hands-full with the upcoming fashion show at Bloomingdale's, just weeks away. Her organizational skills have come in handy, as she has already arranged for 10 volunteer models to walk the runway and showcase the latest in spring fashion trends. Additionally, she has coordinated all of their busy schedules into two fittings a week before the show. Gaeser stated, "I love having the "Spring into Fashion" show at Bloomingdales because they have something for everyone, and are a perfect fit for all ages and styles." She added, "Bloomingdale's public relations manager, Jennifer Bentson, does an amazing job of selecting just the right pieces. She also lets our models choose clothes they feel good in while showing off this year's trends."
In addition to coordinating the event, Gaeser will serve as a model for the second year in row.
Like many JP volunteers, Gaeser was introduced to the Pavilion through a family member who was receiving its services. "For years my mother-in-law, Rebecca Gaeser, received visits from Jewish Pavilion volunteers when she was a resident at Horizon Bay," noted Marci. "I know that Rebecca appreciated and benefitted from the attention. The volunteers were so caring and loving with all the residents. You could see the impact they made through the smiles on the senior's faces."
Gaeser became active in the JP Friends Board several years after Rebecca passed, when her teen-aged children required less of her time. Currently, her mother, Ruth Miller, enjoys sharing JP holiday programming and events with her daughter, grandchildren, and great-grandchild as a resident of the Mayflower in Winter Park.
The energetic Gaeser juggles her volunteerism with a busy life as the mother of four and the grandmother of one. She has a close relationship with her children ranging in ages from 16 to 30, and joked that she and her adult daughters speak on the phone "about 10 times per day." Sixteen-year-old Tyler, a high school sophomore, keeps Gaeser on the go shuttling back and forth from Hagerty High School as well as to after school activities. Eighteen-year-old Haley, the youngest of three daughters, is a freshman at USF and the most recent to leave the nest. Older daughters Patricia Primi (Adam) and Jessica Klein (Matthew) are young adults, and have kept Gaeser busy with two weddings to plan over the past several years. Two years ago daughter, Jessica, and husband, Matthew welcomed daughter Jennifer. Marci and husband, Jeff, are hands-on grandparents and treasure regular visits and sleepovers with their granddaughter.
The Pittsburgh native has spent the past two decades fashioning a life based on family, community, and charitable works. She credits her late father, Jerry Miller, for serving as a role model and for passing on his passion for community involvement. She stated, "When I get involved with a cause I'm in 110 percent."
Gaeser not only chairs events for the JP, she also spends time with its seniors. Recently, she attended Chanukah parties at the Mayflower, the Tremont, and Savannah Court in Oviedo. Gaeser has volunteered with a host of other organizations within the Jewish community, including chairing Super-Sunday for the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando alongside husband, Jeff. She is also a past two-time co-chair for Choices with Federation's Women's Division. Additionally, she is a past trustee and treasurer of Temple Shir Shalom and is a current member of Congregation Ohev Shalom.
"Please join us in honoring Marci Gaeser, a volunteer who has made a fashion statement out of giving back, at our eighth annual Spring into Fashion Show on February 4th," commented Elise Schilowitz, president of the board of the Jewish Pavilion. "We look forward to a morning of friendship, fashion, finger foods, and fun while we raise funds for more than 50 elder facilities in Greater Orlando."
The Jewish Pavilion Fashion Show honoring Marci Gaeser will be held Thursday , Feb. 4 at 10:45 a.m. at Bloomingdale's Orlando at the Mall of Millennia. Register now at or call 407-678-9363.
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