Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Bat Mitzvah - Anna Rose Finer

Anna Rose Finer, daughter of Paul and Teresa Finer of Orlando, will be called to the Torah as a bat mitzvah on Saturday, Feb. 6, 2016, at Congregation Ohev Shalom in Maitland.

Anna is in the seventh grade at Blankner School where she is a member of the National Junior Honor Society, Blankner Symphony Orchestra, and the yearbook staff. She is also a member of Girl Scout Troop 857, and Kadima. Anna also enjoys dance and volunteers at Kinneret Apartments.

Sharing in the family's simcha will be Anna's sisters, Elena and Talia; grandparents, Estelle Finer of Tulsa, Okla., and Shirley and Perry Brickman of Atlanta; as well as friends and relatives from Atlanta, Tulsa, Toronto, New York, Nashville, and Los Angeles.


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