On Friday, Jan. 15, the student's of the Jewish Academy of Orlando, in honor of National Train Your Dog Month, participated in a very special Shabbat. The Elementary School Knesset (student council) sponsored a mitzvah fundraiser. In return for a donation, the students were able to bring in stuffed animals to keep them company in school. Then at Mitzvah Shabbat, Donna Neff with Assist with Daily Living Service Training and Rescue, a nonprofit corporation whose mission is to provide service dog training to assist with therapy, PTSD, wheelchair assistance and help transition veterans into regular activities, visited our Shabbat celebrations. She taught the students about the process to train a service dog and the various needs they meet in the community. She was even able to bring a 10-week-old dog-in-training to show off his skills!
Kol HaKavod to the student body for raising $161 for this organization.
The Jewish Academy of Orlando is committed to teaching their students the values of Mitzvot, Gimilut Hesed (acts of kindness) and making our world a better place!
For more information about the Jewish Academy of Orlando or to arrange a visit to the school, please contact Jessica Mishael, admissions manager, at jmishael@myjao.org or 407-647-0713.
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