Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Will letters of support heal the world?

Dear Editor:

In your issue of Jan. 22, a prominent lady who does many good things for our Jewish community published a letter addressed to local Islamic leaders expressing her “empathy and support” for their suffering from “ever increasing bigotry and discrimination.”

I agree with the part of the letter where she says that we Jews “stand with all those who unequivocally condemn and reject hateful interpretations of Islam.”

Unfortunately, I am unconvinced that the latter statement applies to most spiritual and self-appointed leaders of Islam. Indeed, much exhilaration was demonstrated by Muslims on Howell Branch Road for the mass murders on 9/11. More recently, a member of that faith smuggled much weaponry and ammunition to his dormitory at UCF, where he no longer paid rent or tuition, to be used for the murder of as many students as possible.

That tragedy was prevented only because an ex-Marine apprehended the would-be perpetrator.

Who inspires such evil people and raises funds for terrorist organizations? Who advocates the murder and/or subjugation of all non-Muslims and more especially gay people?

If we could “heal the world” by persuading the leaders of Islam to stop preaching hate and contempt for us “infidels” and our principles and laws, I would stand with the Jewish Community Relations Council. I do not believe that obsequious communications will accomplish that.

I do not, and do not know anyone who does, discriminate against business people or professionals who pray five times a day and respect our Judeo-Christian values and American law.

David Danziger

Winter Park


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