Chabad of North Orlando has come a long way in the past five years, thanks to the dedication of Co-Directors Chanshy and Rabbi Yanky Majesky and members of their burgeoning community. Rabbi Majesky reflects back upon the shul's earliest days in 2011, when a handful of congregants met monthly in a local hotel, and only on Friday nights. For the last four years the growing synagogue was given space at an office park in Lake Mary known as The Chamu Jewish Center, thanks to congregants Dawn and Steve Chamu.
As of September 2015, Chabad of North Orlando has its own building to call home, with additional room for expansion. On Sunday, March 27, Chabad of North Orlando will dedicate the new building, known as Nate's Shul, with the entire community invited to join in the celebration of the new synagogue home.
While it's easy to zip past the white, ranch-style house on the corner of Markham Woods and Glen Ethel Road, don't be fooled by the quiet exterior of Nate's Shul, which opened its doors this past fall. During a typical week, the small building overflows with the hustle and bustle of a busy and vibrant Jewish center, with something offered for every age group. On any given week Nate's Shul houses JLI classes for adults, with topics changing every few months. Nate's shul also offers Teen classes, Talmud Class, and Hebrew School on Sunday for ages 5-13. Additionally, the Shul is open every morning for Morning Prayer as well as on Shabbat for Morning Services. Torah Reading and Kids Program are held each Saturday.
Rabbi Majesky expressed his gratitude all those in the community who helped make Nate's Shul possible, especially Rabbi Chaim and Lauren Thomas, the lead donors of the synagogue named in memory of their grandfather Nathan Kaplan z"l. He noted that larger events like Chanukah and High Holidays will still be off-site to accommodate large crowds, but the Markham Woods site will continue to be the everyday home of Chabad of North Orlando.
"This building is only the beginning and we have big dreams we hope will come to fruition with the help of Hashem," Rabbi Majesky shared. "Please see our wish list at and help build a piece of our future. Please come out and meet us, see the new facility because a Shul is a home for every Jew-welcome home! It is sure to be a fun event with refreshments, music and lots of fun activities for the kids and grown-ups, too!"
The entire community is invited to the dedication of Nate's Shul, the new home for Chabad of North Orlando, on Sunday, March 27, from 2-4 p.m. On that day there will be no parking on site. Please park at Woodlands Elementary, 1420 EE Williamson in Longwood for shuttle service. For more information call 407-636-5994 or visit
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