Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

What's Happening

MORNING AND EVENING MINYANS (Call synagogue to confirm time.)

Chabad of South Orlando—Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. and 10 minutes before sunset; Saturday, 9:30 a.m .; Sunday, 8:15 a.m., 407-354-3660.

Congregation Ahavas Yisrael—Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m .; Saturday, 9:30 a.m .; Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-644-2500.

Congregation Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona—Monday, 8 a.m .; Thursday, 8 a.m., 904-672-9300.

Congregation Ohev Shalom—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-298-4650.

GOBOR Community Minyan at Jewish Academy of Orlando—Monday—Friday, 7:45 a.m.—8:30 a.m.

Temple Israel—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-647-3055.


Light Shabbat candles at 7:26 p.m.

Ahavas Yisrael—Kabbalat, 30 minutes before sundown

Chabad UCF Community—Shabbat 1000, 6:30 p.m. for information, contact Rabbi Chaim Lipskier at rabbi@jewishucf.com or 407-310-8876.


J.O.IN. Orlando—Hosts an interactive discussion titled: The Joy of Jewish Holidays” at 8 a.m. Shacharis at Orlando Torah Center, 8591 Banyan Blvd., Orlando. Breakfast included.

Jewish Heritage Festival—Ormond Beach at 25 Riverside Dr., from 11 a.m.—5 p.m. Family-friendly event is free and open to the public. Entertainment, kosher and kosher-style food, artists and vendors and activities for children. Visit http://www.jewishheritagefestival.com for more info.

Holocaust Center—Book Club, Discussion of “The Nightingale,” by Kristin Hannah, 2 p.m.


Israeli Folk Dancing—7-7:30 p.m. beginners, 7:30-8:15 p.m. instruction, 8:15-10 p.m., requests. Cost: Free for JCC members, $5 nonmembers. Info: 407-645-5933.


Torah & Tea—Women’s study group meeting weekly from 9:30—10:30 a.m. in the Conference Room at the Chabad Center of Jewish Life, 7347 W. Sand Lake Road, Orlando. The group is open to all women. Admission is free and no previous Jewish education is required.

Dateline: Jerusalem—Sponsored by the Zionistas, Alan Kornman will discuss his recent trip to Israel, at the Eastmonte Civic Center, 7 p.m. The program is free.

Jewish Genealogical Society—Meeting with speaker Holly Mandelkern, 7 p.m.—9 p.m. at The Roth Family JCC. Cost: $5 for nonmembers; free for members.

Grief Support Group—Sponsored by JFS Orlando in cooperation with Hospice of the Comforter, six sessions, 10:30 a.m.—11:45 a.m. at Congregation Ohev Shalom, 613 Concourse Pkwy South, Maitland. Cost: $5 per session contribution suggested. For information, call Jeanette Brownstein, 407-644-7593, ext. 232.


Temple Israel—Adult education class on the Torah portion of the week taught by Rabbi Neeley at the synagogue, noon. At 7 p.m. Rabbi Neely leads a seminar in the style of the Beit Midrash on Jewish Law. Info: 407-647-3055.

Congregation Beth Am—Adult Study, “Jewish Philosophy & Modern Questions,” 7:15 p.m. at the synagogue.


Holocaust Center—Annual Dinner of Tribute honoring Valeria and Jim Shapiro, at the Rosen Plaza Hotel, 9700 International Drive, Orlando. Cocktail at 5:30 p.m., dinner and program, 7 p.m. Reservations, 407-628-0555, ext. 285.

Jewish Academy of Orlando—Parenting class, held first Thursday of each month from 8:15 a.m.—9 a.m. in the library. Bagels, coffee and cake will be served. You do not have to have a student at the school to attend. Parents, grandparents and anyone raising children are welcome.


Light Shabbat candles at 7:29 p.m.

Ahavas Yisrael—Kabbalat, 30 minutes before sundown.


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