Martin Luther King once said “In the end we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Jews, Christians and Muslims are being killed all around the world at an alarming rate. Reports of beheadings, rape, mutilation, beatings, stabbings are becoming common place in the news media.
Many Christians and Jews in Central Florida are not keeping silent, and in an effort to speak out against these atrocities, two events will be held the weekend of April 16—17.
Beginning on Saturday evening, April 16, from 6:30 to 8:30, Burning Bush Ministries will host a Round Table Discussion and question and answer session on the persecution of Christians and Jews at Trinity Lutheran Church, 123 E. Livingston St. in downtown Orlando. Panel participants will include Elisabeth Sabaditsch Wolff of Austria; Julie Dass from Pakistan; Shahzad Gill from Pakistan; Dr. Wasfy Michael Ashraf Ibrahim from Egypt; Nicolas Papanicolaou from the Order of St. John; Rabbi Jonathan Hausman, rabbi at Ahavath Torah Congregation in Stroughten, Mass.; and Senator Alan Hays, (R-Fla).
The following day, Sunday, April 17, Burning Bush Ministries will sponsor its second annual Prayer March for Persecuted Christians and Jews to be held at Lake Eola Park. The march will begin and end at the band shell on Rosalind Ave., beginning at 3:30 p.m., and will cover 1 mile, taking about 45 minutes. At 5 p.m. an international group of speakers who know persecution first hand will tell their stories. This event is free and open to all who want to be a voice against persecution.
For more information, please contact Rev. Bruce Lieske, 407-359-0449 or Alan Kornman, 407-702-0494.
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