Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Kibbitzing over the Heritage

"We had an enjoyable Koffee and Kibbitz session at Plantation Oaks this morning, highlighted by three weeks of Heritage publications!" said Gloria Green, Jewish Pavilion program director for the Southwest Orlando area.

Green pointed out articles of interest in each issue for the avid readers, and they all said they would love to be able to read it each week. 

Green saw a need among the residents for a connection to their Jewish community and the Jewish world. The Jewish newspaper was the perfect vehicle to bring the community news to them, as only one of the four has computer access.

After "wracking her brain" about a program for them, she came up with the idea of a Koffee and Kibbitz session. The kibbitzing would be over articles in the most recent Heritage issue.

Then the thought occurred to her that some residents at other senior facilities she visits would also enjoy reading the Heritage weekly. She wondered if some of the Heritage subscribers would be interested in donating a subscription to a few of these senior facilities or individual residents.

If you would like to donate a subscription to an individual senior resident who would like to keep up with news in the Jewish community please contact the Heritage at 407-834-8787.


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