Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

I repeat myself because I'm old?...

I'm NOT old. (Oh shut up!) I don't repeat myself. I don't repeat myself.

(Okay, I do. Especially last week's joke. Sorry.)

Speaking of dementia, I once asked my spouse if he thought I had Alzheimer's because I couldn't remember where I parked the car in the Publix parking lot. He answered that "it's not where you parked it. It's when you don't know what to do with the car that you may have Alzheimer's."

And on this subject...

I read the following in the current issue of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) digest and pass it along to you in part:

"As reported in the Jerusalem Post, researchers at Tel Aviv University Rambam Medical Center/the Techion-Israel Institute of Technology and Harvard University have identified a biological blood marker linked to Alzheimer's disease that could eventually serve as a reliable diagnostic blood test for the progressive, fatal dementia.

TAU lead researcher Prof. ILLANA GOZES hopes this will one day make it possible to develop a simple blood test to detect the disease in its early stages.

The new discovery, published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, examines the presence of a biological marker in the blood, a protein named ADNP... that characterizes dementia patients.

As the study was small, on relatively few participants, Gozes concluded "One can't reach sweeping conclusions. We now intend to expand the experiments on additional populations."

(Hurry while I'm still alive! Oops! I'M NOT OLD!!!!)

And back on the subject of cars...

While at my Toyota dealership recently, having an oil change, I sat in the lounge and watched the huge television screen. A story I had no knowledge of came on. It was about a gentleman named NICHOLAS WINTON.

Sir Nicholas George Winton was a British humanitarian who organized the rescue of 669 children, most of them Jewish, from Czechoslovakia on the eve of the Second World War in an operation later known as the Czech Kindertransport (German for "children transportation").

Winton found homes for the children and arranged for their safe passage to Britain. The world found out about his work over 40 years later, in 1988. The British press dubbed him the "British Schindler." On Oct. 28, 2014, he was awarded the highest honor of the Czech Republic, the Order of the White Lion.

A super show...

For those of you who are not familiar with the fabulous Miss Jones, here is some info on her:

I mentioned in last week's column that JACQUELINE JONES will be performing at the next Congregation Ohev Shalom Seniors meeting on Sunday, June 5th at 2 p.m. with her wonderful musicians. The cost is only $5 for everyone!

She truly enjoys her audience and her music. She is a dynamic entertainer and sings the songs we all know and love. She has performed all over the US and the world. You will love hearing her, guaranteed. Don't miss the performance! I don't intend to. (Booking Miss Jones, all I can say is: "Super Berny does it again!)

A reminder...

The next Altamonte Chapel Jazz performance, featuring our own ALAN ROCK as emcee, takes place this Sunday, May 29th at 12:30 p.m.

The Altamonte Chapel is located at 825 East S.R. 436 in Altamonte Springs. The phone number is 407-339-5208.

World class musician, ALLAN VACHE is featured along with his trio, MARK MCKEE on piano, CHARLIE SILVA on bass and BARRY SMITH on drums.

(Jazz at its best!)

A great performance...

At the recent Central Florida Community Arts program held at the Northland Church in Longwood, the CFCArts Community Choir and orchestra performed wonderfully along with many terrific solo vocalists. Standing out was ANDREA TYLER, who looks and sounds like famous singer, Adele. Also JAMAAL SOLOMON sang beautifully.

(I was blown away by the talent!)

One for the road...

Did you hear about Moishe, who was sexually inexperienced? One day, Moishe went into a bookshop and bought the book "How to Hug."

Later on, when he started to read his latest purchase, Moishe realized it was Volume 7 of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.


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