Happy Hour entertains seniors
Happy Hour volunteers, Corinne Brail and Lois Silverberg, felt right at "Home on the Range" at Maitland's Savannah Court, as they sang "oldies but goodies" from the American songbook, reaching elders with songs of remembrance from their youth in a weekly program sponsored by The Jewish Pavilion. Pavilion Marketing Director, Pamela Ruben, noted, "I was fortunate enough to be in the company of Lois and Corinne, as they entertained a roomful of VERY happy seniors, helping "Happy Hour" live up to its name. With just a songbook and smile, these two ladies touched the hearts and memories of a room full of elder-care residents." Make a difference in the life of a senior and join the Happy Hour fun. Contact the Jewish Pavilion at http://www.jewishpavilion.org or call 407-678-9363 for volunteer opportunities.
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