The Holocaust Memorial Resource and Education Center is kicking off its fall cultural season with a new exhibit titled Two Regimes. The exhibit features the work of two women: Teodora Verbitskya, who chronicled her experiences in Russia in the first half of the 20th Century, and her daughter Nadia Werbitzky, a professional artist who translated her mother's writings into striking pieces of art. The exhibit will be on display at the Holocaust Center through Jan. 6, 2017.
Upcoming events:
I Remember: Eyewitnesses to the Holocaust
A Conversation with Eva London Ritt
Sunday, Sept. 18 at 2 p.m.
The Center's Survivor series continues with Eva London Ritt who fled with her family from Germany to the United States. Eva was born in Hamburg in 1933, the same year Hitler came to power. Her experiences during the Holocaust influenced her to be a lifelong advocate for the oppressed. Join us as Eva tells her personal story of survival.
Education Forum
Operation Barbarossa and the Beginnings of the Final Solution
Thursday, Sept. 22, at 6 p.m.
Resource teacher, Mitch Bloomer will address Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union and the resulting onset of the "Final Solution." Participants will explore the reasoning behind this fateful transition and will learn that it was driven as much by initiatives of local occupation officials as it was from Berlin.
The World Premiere of "Bearing Witness"
Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 5:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m.
Mad Cow Theatre
The Holocaust Center is excited to partner with the Global Peace Film Festival to bring this performance to our community. Thomas Bird, a Vietnam War veteran and creator of VETCO (Vietnam Veteran's Ensemble Theatre Company), brings a very personal story to the stage in this one-man performance. The pain of war and the horror of the Holocaust are explored in this theatrical experience, culminating in the ultimate recognition and acknowledgement of healing through love and understanding between father and son.
Tickets available at
These programs are open to the entire community. For more information, call Terrance at 407-628-0555.
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