Dear Editor:
I am responding to the advertisement in Heritage associating presidential candidate Donald Trump with anti-Semitism.
This is done purely in the hope that the casual reader will accept those remarks as truth. The goal of the opposition is to smear Donald Trump with untruths. Before I support a candidate, I do my research and that is what all voters should do. For the opposition, truth is not the goal.
Here is the real Donald Trump:
Some years ago he purchased Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach and turned it into a country club. At that time in Palm Beach, African Americans and Jews were not welcome in Palm Beach country clubs. Trump went to court and changed how minorities were treated in Palm Beach.
He surrounds himself with Jewish lawyers, executives and accountants.
Trump advisers worked with legislators to write the Republican Party Platform. They resisted pressure from those who sought more “evenhandedness” toward the Arabs. They insisted on recognizing and protecting the historic and legal rights of Israel.
Trump chose as his vice president Mike Pence, an ardent supporter of Israel who supports traditional Jewish values and has a strong pro-Israel record.
“My number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran,” said Donald Trump (from his speech at the AIPAC Conference, March 2016)
He has donated generously to the Jewish National Fund and United Jewish Appeal.
He will meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu on becoming president.
He will veto any attempt by the UN to impose its will on Israel.
His daughter converted to Orthodox Judaism; his children are married to or are dating Jews, and he has two Jewish grandchildren.
This man does not and will not support anti-Semitism. He is the best candidate for the president of the United States of America and for safeguarding the security of the State of Israel.
Eva London Ritt
Winter Park
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