Dear Editor:
With unlimited funds, Mrs. Clinton’s supporters can place full-page ads, even in The Heritage, providing her sound bites ostensibly favorable to Jewish concerns as expressed to AIPAC. However, with millions contributed to her “charitable” foundation by all the Arab potentates, her sincerity concerning Israel is most dubious.
As to Mr. Trump’s pledge to be “neutral” in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, it merely confirms his acknowledgement that those deliberations must be bilateral and not imposed by anyone else. Then there is the allegation that Mr. Trump is anti-Semitic. Are we to believe that he hates his grandchildren and daughters-in-law?
The Democrats would have us elect a candidate who engaged in unsavory activities as a first lady, accomplished nothing as a U.S. senator, and severely endangered national security as secretary of state. Last minute smears, hiring thugs to engage in violence to break up Republican rallies and intimidate against free speech, mysterious happenings to people who displease Mrs. Clinton, and media misrepresentation of news coverage are all well financed efforts to buy this election.
Donald Trump speaks with the firm voice of a man of action who recognizes our country’s need to lead the world, to resolve our failing economy, to safeguard our borders, and to revitalize our cities so that all citizens will have the opportunities to get a good education, employment, and physical security.
We need a new approach for solving our national and international problems. We cannot afford to elect another president who would provide the same incompetent, inert, and divisive leadership of the last eight years, distinguished only by preoccupation with the acquisition of personal wealth and power.
The answer is: Vote for Trump!
David G. Danziger
Winter Park
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