Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

'Home Sweet Home' at Village on the Green

Outside, it was a chilly January morning. But inside, the residents at Longwood's Village on the Green were surrounded by warmth, music and love, thanks to a special visit from the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando's PJ Library/Shalom Families group and the Jewish Pavilion.

More than 50 participants representing four generations-from 2 months to 92 years-came together for "Home Sweet Home" on Jan. 8 at the senior living community. As part of the program, families shared the many ways to make a home "Jewish" with special themed stories, songs, activities and crafts.

Families and seniors worked side by side, decorating cookies and making mezuzahs for their homes. The residents also learned more about PJ Library, which provides free Jewish children's books and music to families in Greater Orlando. In the past six years, the Jewish Federation has sent out more than 28,000 PJ Library books, and the program currently has more than 550 subscribers.

"Home Sweet Home" was the second PJ Library/Shalom Families intergenerational program since September.

"We love creating experiences where we can include grandparents and seniors in our community," said Jennifer Cohen, the Federation's PJ Library coordinator. "The families really enjoyed meeting the residents at Village on the Green, and one mom told me that she hopes to have Shabbat with the residents in the future."

The next PJ Library/Shalom Families event will be a celebration of Tu B'Shevat, the Birthday of the Trees, the morning of Feb. 5 at the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey in Maitland. Family activities will include a bird walk, making bird feeders, singing songs to the birds, and a special story and "birthday" treat.

Online registration is required by Feb. 1. Visit http://www.jfgo.org for more details.


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