Several years ago Stewart Bloom would drive his son, Andrew, who at the time was preparing for his bar mitzvah, to the monthly musicals at Brookdale Lake Orienta in Altamonte Springs. Andrew would make delicious brownies and was always so anxious to serve them to the residents.
As time went on, Bloom still delivered the brownies every month, even after Andrew got older and could no longer dedicate his time. Bloom not only has become a regular and welcome face, but a resident favorite.
Once a year, he replaces his famous brownies for a guitar and takes center stage, and on Feb. 12 at 1p.m., Bloom will delight the audience once again. He entertains with crowd favorites, mostly folk songs, and his audience often sings along.
All are welcome and encouraged to attend this exciting performance, which is sponsored by the Jewish Pavilion. The Jewish Pavilion enhances the lives of residents at assisted living and nursing homes throughout Central Florida. For more information please call 407-678-9363.
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