Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

JLI introduces five-week Hebrew reading crash course

A new, cutting-edge Hebrew reading crash course is taking the Jewish world by storm. The flashcard based language course developed by the Jewish Learning Institute, promises users that they can learn to read Hebrew in only five weeks if they follow the program. Beginning Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m., Akiva Anderson will conduct the five sessions of the new course, Read it in Hebrew, at Nate’s Shul, 1701 Markham Woods Rd. in Longwood.

“Many people feel lost in synagogue, because they don’t know how to read Hebrew,” explains Rabbi Levi Kaplan of JLI’s headquarters in Brooklyn, N.Y. “We have found that learning how to read Hebrew strengthens one’s feeling of connection to Judaism in a powerful way. ‘Read it in Hebrew’ fills a tremendous need.”

Already a hit with communities around the world, “Read it in Hebrew” has been tried successfully in over 150 Chabad Houses, camps, and schools enabling over 1,000 students to read Hebrew.

The first two lessons of “Read it in Hebrew” focus on the letters of the Hebrew alphabet while the last three lessons introduce vowels and teach students how to read words. With flashcards portraying the letters alongside catchy mnemonics that make the information memorable and easy to digest, “Read it in Hebrew” allows students to absorb information quickly and efficiently.

“Read it in Hebrew” utilizes a timeless teaching method espoused by the Jewish sages for generations. In addition to reading skills, students get a glimpse into the holiness and depth of the Hebrew language, including brief kabalistic explanations of the Hebrew letters.

“Finally, a fun and easy-to-use program that teaches Jews how to read in the language their ancestors, exclaims Rabbi Yanky Majesky of Chabad North Orlando, the sponsor of this course. “If you want to participate in synagogue but find it hard to follow what’s going on, this is for you. Language no longer needs to be a barrier between Jewish people and their heritage.”

“Read it in Hebrew” is designed to appeal to people at all levels of Jewish knowledge, including those without any prior experience or background in Jewish learning. The course is open to the public, and attendees need not be affiliated with a particular synagogue, temple, or other house of worship. The cost for the course is $85 and it includes a set of flash cards. 


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