On Sunday, Feb. 26, Congregation Ohev Shalom, 613 Concourse Parkway South, Maitland, will honor Amy Geboff, director of Youth and Family Education, for her 21 years of service to the synagogue. The Gala Celebration will begin with a cocktail reception and silent auction at 5 p.m. followed by a dinner and program at 6:30 p.m.
A native of Philadelphia, Geboff came to Orlando with her husband, Eric, and their daughters, Sara and twins Alana and Rebecca. Prior to joining Congregation Ohev Shalom, Amy worked as youth director and program director of the JCC in Youngstown, Ohio, for nine years. After helping out at the Central Florida JCC for a brief period, she was asked to take on the job of education director at COS. Geboff brought a unique perspective to her job, with an emphasis on the religious school as a means of developing Jewish community and relationships-between students and teachers, teachers and parents, teachers and Madrichim (teenage aides) and students and Madrichim. At times, parents are given the opportunities to learn alongside their children as well. Weekend Shabbaton programs throughout the year facilitate bonding and learning. These bonds continue after bar mitzvah age as dozens of teenagers stay on to assist as Madrichim.
Besides the religious school program, Geboff has overseen the growth of youth programs of Olim, Kadima, and USY covering the age range from elementary students through high school. Youth dramatic productions give the opportunity to develop talent and especially teamwork. A one-week summer day camp called Machaneh Ohev serves nearly 200 children from the entire Jewish community.
Amy and Eric are proud to have seen their three daughters grow into young women who are active in their Jewish communities. Geboff considers the greatest of her many achievements to be "Creating a youth community where children of all ages feel like Ohev is a second home, lookout for each other and care about each other."
All are invited to attend this event honoring and log into the On-line Auction at http://www.32auctions.com/COSGala2017.
The On-line Auction begins Feb. 12 and remains active until 11:45 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 23. The highest bid on each item becomes the opening bid on the night of the Gala.
The deadline for the Gala R.S.V.P. is Feb. 16. Please call Ohev Shalom at 407 298-4650 or go to http://www.ohevshalom.org if you have not received an invitation or would like to inquire about the cost of the Gala, sponsor levels, and an ad in the tribute book.
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