Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

In praise of JAO's Horim U'Morim

Last month, Jewish Academy of Orlando celebrated in style. Their annual gala, this year called "A Midsummer Night's Dream," was at the Hilton Orlando/Altamonte Springs on Jan. 21. The room looked spectacular and was completely transformed into a beautiful garden. The annual event was a major success and raised money to help support its annual budget, including money for tuition scholarships and programs to support academic excellence.

The school honored its past Horim U'Morim (HUM) presidents (the parent/teacher organization). Many parents from the past came to celebrate. Honorees included: Lori Beim, Lisa Chisholm, Suzanne Dukes, Robyn Eichenholz, Batel Einhorn, Barbara Elkin, Anita Ettinger, Annie Feldman, Susan Freilich, Roz Friedman, Melanie Gluck, Diane Goldberg, Dyan Goodman, Kim Graboff, Candice Jacobs, Angela Jacobson, Sheila Keiner, Lori Kielmovitch, Janise Klaiman, Dana Layman, Rebecca Liebman, Evelyn Mervis, Yael Miller, Karen Moreno, Amanda Jacobson Nappi, Julie Oshins, Donna Render, Helen Schauder, Kelley Schwartz, Marsha Seff, Beth Shader, Gracia Sherman, Stacey Soll, Monica Sontag, Susan Talsky, Debby Vangrov, Miriam Varnagy, Pat Weinstein, Beth Weiss and Shari Wladis.

"It was amazing to see parents who have given so much back to our community," said Alan Rusonik, Head of School. "These parents worked so hard to support our school. They deserved this honor."

Board Co-President Melanie Brenner added, "We thank all of the HUM past presidents. The day school is a much better place because of their hard work and dedication."

To further support Jewish education and your local Jewish day school, to get involved or for any questions, please contact Alan Rusonik, Head of School, at 407-647-0713.


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