Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

Sure N Begorrah...

I probably spelled that all wrong but I wrote it like I pronounce it... It is the only Irish sound I can make. (Today is St.Patrick's Day after all. And last week I was dressed as a shamrock for Purim!)

Kidding aside...

I recently received a letter from the American Jewish Committee:

"There are 193 member states of the United Nations. One of them has been the target of more condemnations from the UN Human Rights Council than any other. That nation stands so prominently accused that the Council devotes a permanent agenda item to investigating it... the only nation so targeted. Which nation do you think that might be?

One would think it would be a notorious abuser of human rights. Iran, perhaps, which hangs children from cranes? No, it is not Iran. Syria? No, Syria, whose government has slaughtered hundreds of thousands of its own people, is not the permanent target of investigation either. Nor is it Saudi Arabia, which flogs bloggers for criticizing the regime... and has a seat on the UN Human Rights Council.

So which country is so reviled, so accused of serial human rights violations that the nations of the world are effectively divided in two... this targeted nation, which is permanently investigated, and everyone else?


(This is not a Human Rights Council. It is a Human Wrongs Council.)

The irony is startling. The United Nations was formed in the aftermath of World War II and the Holocaust. Six million Jews had been annihilated. Propelled by the vision of world peace first set forth by the Hebrew prophets, the UN even inscribed the words of biblical prophet Isaiah outside its headquarters: 'Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore...'

Yet some nations have abused the mechanisms of the UN to demonize Israel on the world stage. Recently, a report to the UN Human Rights Council by the UN's special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories (that is a full time permanent position) stated that Israel is using excessive force against Palestinians. The rapporteur faults Israel for just about every problem the Palestiniaqns have, without even considering the blame that Palestinian leadership must bear, and with no mention of its incitement and glorification of terror against Israelis."

(The long letter continues on... too long for this column but you can find out more and how we can help by going to http://www.ajc.org/actnow or phoning the AJC at 212-891-1456.)

No place like "home"...

Just recently our own office manager, PAULETTE ALFONSO, visited her home country of South Africa for three weeks. Upon getting ready to return to us, she wrote the following on Facebook:

"My heart is heavy and eyes filled with tears. My three-week vacation visiting my family and seeing old friends is drawing to a close. It has been 14 years since I've been in my home country and so much has changed.

I was able to spend a few days in my home city and went down memory lane. What was 'the good old days' is just that, but the memories will last forever. I will not wait this long to visit my family again. I am grateful for the short time I could spend with them. We have done and seen so much in three weeks. I am thankful that my husband, CARLOS ALFONSO, was able to join me for the first two weeks. I don't think I would have been able to come alone after so long.

"I am thankful and grateful to my wonderful mother, DORATHEA SCHULTZ, for putting up with me and Carlos these past few weeks and my brother, WERNER SCHULTZ, for driving us all around and not once complained. Now I have to say goodbye until we see each other soon again."

(Paulette is a wonderful gal. My heart hurt when I realized how difficult leaving her family was. Now she is back with us here at Heritage and we love her.)

A very special event...

The Roth Family JCC's Annual Golf Classic is almost here.

It takes place on Sunday, April 2nd at Dubsdread Golf Course, beginning at 8:30 am.

I will write more about this special event as we get closer but there will be no on-site registration. Registration must be by Thursday, March 30th at .

The registration fee is $750 per foursome and $200 per individual. For further information, contact KEITH DVORCHIK, CEO at keithD@orlandojcc.org or phone him at 407-621-4042.

I love jazz (but you knew that!)...

On Sunday, March 26th, the super-talented clarinetist, ALLAN VACHE is back at the Altamonte Chapel. Joining Allan will be MARK McKEE on piano, CHARLIE SILVA on bass and BARRY SMITH on drums. (Fabulous players all!)

The Altamonte Chapel is located at 825 East SR 436, Altamonte Springs. The phone number is 407-339-5208.

The performance goes from 12:30 until 2:30 p.m. with our own wonderful ALAN ROCK as emcee.

A Shout-Out...

A wonderful place to eat is Paneras on Aloma Avenue in Winter Park. They have great food and great service thanks to their general manager, ROHAN KALIKA and assistant manager, ALEXIS MALLICK.

(This is one of my favorite restaurants.)

One for the road...

Two Jewish cannibals are stewing a pot of food over a fire.

"Oy veh," says the first cannibal, "I really do hate my mother-in-law."

The second cannibal replies, "Nu? So leave her and just drink the chicken soup."

(This is a sick joke if I say so myself... but it made me laugh!)


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