Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice


Ellen Dorfman Feldschreiber Bitton passed away the morning of Feb. 13th, 2017, in Ramat Gan, Israel. She was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on April 12, 1952, the daughter of Hyman and Natalie Dorfman. After growing up in New Orleans, she attended Tel Aviv University, where she met her first husband, Jack Feldschreiber. After college, they returned to the States, residing in Orlando in the 1970s. She became the first Hebrew teacher at the Orlando Hebrew Day School when it opened in 1977. In 1979, she moved to New York City. Ms. Bitton established and managed two successful mortgage brokerage companies during her 36 years in New York. During those years, she was occasionally interviewed about the mortgage industry on national television news shows.

In January 2015, Ms. Bitton moved to Tel Aviv and made Aliyah.

Funeral services were held in Migdal Ha'emek, Israel, on Feb. 15, and presided over by Rabbi Jonathan Glass of the Tribeca Synagogue. Shiva took place in Tel Aviv.

Ellen Bitton is survived by her son, Jared Feldschreiber; her sister, Pearl Lefkowitz of Winter Park; and her sister, Charlene Ilkowitz of East Brunswick, New Jersey. She was the aunt of Marni (Ariel) Ahram; Ryan (Amy) Lefkowitz; Darren (Esther) Lefkowitz; Neal Cotton; Jake Cotton; and was "Tanta Ellen" to her 4 great-nieces.


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