Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

What can you do with all that matzah for Passover?

Myrna Ossin loves creating recipes using matzah! She has been holding food demos all over town, and this Sunday, March 26, (3 p.m.) she will be at the Maitland Library making lasagna, bagels and walnut toffee all made from matzah! Here is just one of her many recipes for Passover.

Earl Grey Passover Matzah Shortbread Cookies 

By Myrna Ossin

These cookies are simple to make and a fun activity for you and the children. They are versatile and can be decorated with your imagination with nuts, sesame or pumpkin seeds, chocolate chips, colored sugars or a kosher-for-Passover icing. I use a food processor dedicated to Passover to make the dough, but these can also be made by hand. If you don’t have prepared matzah cake meal, crush four-square matzahs at a time to equal one cup in a plastic bag with a rolling pin to a powdery texture making enough matzah flour for the dough. You can also substitute arrowroot for the potato starch. If you don’t have Earl Grey tea, you can also use a variety of your favorite flavor kosher-for-Passover tea leaves, dried rosemary leaves, lavender leaves or experiment with other flavors. The contents of one tea bag is usually equal to one teaspoon and you will need two teaspoons for this recipe. To make confectioners’ sugar without cornstarch, process 1/2 cup granulated sugar for about five minutes in the processor with a blade until a powdery consistency. Cover the tube so the powder doesn’t get all over your counter. Granulated sugar will work, but it makes the texture a different consistency. If you want a pareve cookie, you can use margarine or oil. If I am cooking a dairy meal, I prefer using butter.


1 lb. margarine

1/4 tsp. kosher salt

2 tsp. tea leaves

1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar

1 1/2 cups matzah cake meal

1/2 cup potato starch

Plastic wrap

Parchment paper


In a medium-sized bowl, cream margarine, salt, tea leaves, and sugar. Add the cake meal and potato starch slowly to incorporate in the mix. In the processor, the batter should come together in a ball. Place the dough in the center of about three feet of plastic wrap. Fold the wrap over the dough and press the dough to about 1/8-inch thick using a rolling pin. I often divide the dough in half to make it easier to work. Using the plastic wrap, slip the rolled dough on a cookie and refrigerate for about fifteen minutes until it is stiff. Remove the top layer of the plastic wrap and use cookie cutters or a drinking class to form the cookies. Using this method, you don’t need any extra flour. Just press the remaining dough pieces together and continue pressing out cookies. Place the cookies on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. I like to refrigerate the formed cookies for another fifteen minutes in the refrigerator to make them flakier. Sprinkle the toppings or just a tablespoon of granulated sugar over the tops of the cookies and bake them at 350 degrees for 20 minutes until just beginning to turn brown on the edges. Allow the cookies to cool completely before storing them in an air tight container. These cookies also freeze well and the dough can also be formed in a log and frozen so you can slice the cookies and bake as needed.

You can find this and many more Passover recipes, kosher rules, and a complete plan, step-by-step, for Passover in “What to Do with Your Leftover Matzah, the Fifth Question, a Guide to the Perfect Passover Seder” by Myrna Ossin, available on Amazon.com.


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